Opening Scene of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

In the opening scene of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone there is a sense of mystery places onto us with the music used and the man walking into the scene. The man is dressed in an odd looking robe and has a long beard giving him the look of a traditional wizard. The audience is made to question instantly what is going on which is then made a bit more clear when the man pulls out a weird looking device and removes the light from the street. The camera turns and shows us of a cat watching the man which again turns to show us the cat transforming into an old woman which further makes us question the direction of the scene. The street was poorly lit originally and now darkness is surrounding the scene further adding to our mystery and making us question what is going on.

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Instantly we are put into the action of the film whilst the woman and man make conversation. From the conversation we are told that something bad has happened at that this is now the aftermath or just after it took place. Tension and urgency is put on us instantly as the woman says " Do you think it is wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this". The Woman then goes on to talk about the child as if it has gone through something horrible and unimaginable but when the baby turns up it has no mark but a scar on his head. The man who delivered the baby, Hagrid, is a huge man which makes us feel danger although it is put to bay rather fast when he tears up because of leaving the baby. A sense of danger is added to the scene as the baby is left on the doorstep of a family and the scene transitions.
Image result for harry potter as a baby
The costumes in the opening scene are very strange to the common person and makes us wonder if they really are wizards and witches, with there pointy hats and long trailing robes. The man also has a long white beard which adds to this question. Hagrid who we are told is delivering the baby is a huge man with old ragged up clothing which makes us wonder how he lives and if he lives close to nature.

The Opening to this film can be found here.


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