The Opening Scene of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The introduction of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has flashing shots and running black ink which enforces the horror genre, adding connotations of death. The black ink run out of the persons eyes and mouth in the opening of the film which is used to make us feel uncomfortable.
Then the dragon emerges from the person and ink which makes us wonder what relevance the dragon has to the film.
Image result for girl with the dragon tattoo opening credits
Everything in the opening scene is black and suggests that there will not be a happy ending to this movie. The white writing stands out maybe to reflect the purity of the characters against the plot. Special effects used in the opening scene with the ink covering peoples faces adds a surreal atmosphere.
Image result for girl with the dragon tattoo opening credits
The Non-diegetic 'Immigrant Song' (can be found here) grabs the audiences attention straight away. The music is loud and continuous which backs up the thriller genre of the film. The soundtrack is very mysterious and entices the audience to continue watching.


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